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We inform you that this site is been made with the program WebSite X5 and that it only uses “technical cookies”.
Furthermore the cookies used by WebSite X5 are not shared with third parties.
Technical cookies are needed for the normal operation of these pages.
The exclusion of the usage of cookies could lead to the non-operation during the navigation.
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No use is made of cookies for the transmission of personal information nor of systems for the  tracking of the users.

By visiting a web site you can receive cookies both from the visited site (“Proprietors”) and from sites managed by other organizations (“Third Parties”).
A remarkable example is represented by the presence of “social plugin” for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
It concerns of parts of the visited page that are directly generated by these sites and integrated in the page of the hosting site.
The most common usage of the cookie is aimed to the sharing of contents on social network.
The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies from and to all the sites managed by Third Parties.
The management of the absorbed information by “third parties” is ordered by the relative disclosures to which we please you to refer.
Note: the third parties cookies could change their name,
increase or decrease their number in any moment and without notification from the third supplier.

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a little text file that is memorized by the computer in the moment in which a website is visited by an user.
The text memorize information which the site is able to read in the moment in which it is consulted in a second time.
Some of these cookies are necessary to the correct operation of the site, other, instead, are useful for the visitor because they are able to memorize  in a safe way ,
for example, the username or the language settings.
The advantage of having cookies installed in your own PC is to no longer need to fill out the same information whenever you want to access to a site visited before.

The Administrator of the present website does not have access to the data that are
collected and treated in full autonomy by the managers of the social network platforms.
For more information on the logic and methods of the treatment of the data collected by
the social network the users are encouraged to read the informational notes
on the privacy provided by the Subjects that supply the services in question:
· Facebook
· Twitter
· WhatsApp
· Google+ e YouTube

How can I disable the cookies?
It is possible to modify the browser in order to disable the cookies through a simple procedure.
Please remember that if you choose to block the reception of cookies this action can compromise
or impede the good operation of the Service.

Open Firefox. Push the “Alt” button on the keyboard. In the toolbar, situated in the superior part of the browser,
select “Tool” and then “Options”.  Select then the “Privacy” sheet.
Go to “History Setting” and then to “Use Custom Setting”. Deselect “Accept cookies from sites” and save the preferences.

Internet Explorer:
Open Internet Explorer. Click on the “Tool” button and then on “Internet Options”.
Select the “Privacy” sheet and move the slider on the level of privacy that you want to set up
(upward to block all the cookies, downward to allow it all). Then click on OK.

Google Chrome:
Open Google Chrome. Click on the “Tool” icon. Select “Settings” and then “Advanced Setting”.
Select “ Contents Setting” under the heading “Privacy”.
On the “Cookie and Data Of Sites” sheet it will be possible to look for and erase specific cookies.
Type chrome://settings/cookies in the address bar and push enter.
You will enter the “Cookie and Data Of Sites”
sheet where it will be possible to look for and erase specific cookies.

Open Safari. Choose “Preferences” in the toolbar then select the “Security” panel in the dialog box that follows.
In the “Accept Cookie” section it is possible to specify if and when Safari must save the cookies from the websites.
For more information click on the Help button (labeled by an interrogative mark).
For more information on the cookies that are memorized on your computer click on “Show Cookie”.

Further information
For more information on the usage of cookie and on how to block them it is possible to visit the following site: , for Europe and for the United States.
Visit also for further information on the cookie and on how the can influence your navigation experience.

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